New from ICT
- Beyond the Job: Addressing Stressors in Law Enforcement
- Clients and Colleagues: Building Trust Through Collaboration
- Disability Awareness: Respectful Interactions with People of All Abilities
- Elevating Report Writing: Advanced Techniques for Probation Staff
- Ethical Leadership
- Inclusive Language
- Inclusive Language and Implicit/Explicit Bias Awareness for Law Enforcement
- Introduction to Microsoft 365
- Indigenous Cultural Competency
- Legal Updates
- Neurodiverse Clients: Best Practices and Collaborative Tools for Law Enforcement
- PREA Compliance
- Providing Feedback
- Recruitment and Retention: A Best Practices Approach
- Special Education Awareness
- Succession Planning: Best Practices for Proactive Future Proofing
- Understanding Government and Law
- Working with Borderline, Narcissistic and Anti-Social Personality Disorders: A Systems Approach
Competent Communication
- Conscious Communication: Strategies for Creating Respectful, Collaborative Models
- Competent Communication
- Dynamic Communication for the Law Enforcement Professional
- Elevating Report Writing: Advanced Techniques for Probation Staff
- Exceptional Customer Service
- Motivational Interviewing
- Providing Feedback
Creating Respectful and Collaborative Workplaces
- AB 2504: LGBTQ+ Training for Law Enforcement Professionals
- Allyship in the Workplace
- Clients and Colleagues: Building Trust Through Allyship
- Cultural Competence: Creating Respectful Cross-Cultural Environments
- Disability Awareness: Respectful Interactions with People of All Abilities
- Generational Diversity
- Inclusive Language
- Inclusive Language and Implicit/Explicit Bias Awareness for Law Enforcement
- Indigenous Cultural Competency
- Neurodiverse Clients: Best Practices and Collaborative Tools for Law Enforcement
- Special Education Awareness
- Subtle Acts of Exclusion – Small things, Big Impact
- Utilizing Emotional Intelligence to Understand Implicit and Explicit Bias
Instructor Development
- Ethical Decision Making & Risk Management
- Ethical Leadership
- Leadership Competencies
- Communicating Clear Expectations-The Effective Performance Review
- Leadership Seminar
- Mission, Vision to Objectives & Implementation Workshop
- Providing Feedback
- Recruitment and Retention: A Best Practices Approach
- Retention – Why Top Talent Leaves & How to Keep Them
Legal Updates
Mental Health and Behavioral Training
Organizational Development
- Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement: The Fine Art of Performance Management
- Leadership Competencies
- Mission, Vision to Objectives & Implementation Workshop
- Providing Feedback
- Recruitment and Retention: A Best Practices Approach
- Succession Planning: Best Practices for Proactive Future Proofing
Professional Development
- Exceptional Customer Service
- Introduction to Microsoft 365
- Leadership Competencies
- Utilizing Emotional Intelligence to Understand Implicit and Explicit Bias
- Ethical Decision Making & Risk Management
- Elevating Report Writing: Advanced Techniques for Probation Staff
- Emotional Intelligence – The Five Keys to Success
- Competent Communication
Substance Use Disorders
Trauma Informed Care
Full Course Catalog
- AB 2504: LGBTQ+ Training for Law Enforcement Professionals
- Addictionology 101: Creating Respectful, Collaborative Models with Substance Users
- Allyship in the Workplace
- Beyond the Job: Addressing Stressors in Law Enforcement
- Communicating Clear Expectations-The Effective Performance Review
- Competent Communication
- Conscious Communication: Strategies for Creating Respectful, Collaborative Models
- Core Practices of Effective Presentations
- Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement: The Fine Art of Performance Management
- Cultural Competence: Creating Respectful Cross-Cultural Environments
- Disability Awareness: Respectful Interactions with People of All Abilities
- Dynamic Communication for the Law Enforcement Professional
- Emotional Intelligence – The Five Keys to Success
- Ethical Decision Making & Risk Management
- Ethical Leadership
- Exceptional Customer Service
- Generational Diversity
- Inclusive Language and Implicit/Explicit Bias Awareness for Law Enforcement
- Introduction to Microsoft 365
- Leadership Competencies
- Leadership Seminar
- Mission, Vision to Objectives & Implementation Workshop
- Motivational Interviewing Refresher
- Neurodiverse Clients: Best Practices and Collaborative Tools for Law Enforcement
- Retention – Why Top Talent Leaves & How to Keep Them
- Special Education Awareness
- Subtle Acts of Exclusion – Small things, Big Impact
- Succession Planning: Best Practices for Proactive Future Proofing
- Train the Trainer: Zoom Classroom Management – Part 1
- Training for Trainers
- Understanding Government and Law
- Utilizing Emotional Intelligence to Understand Implicit and Explicit Bias
- Working with Borderline, Narcissistic and Anti-Social Personality Disorders: A Systems Approach