SB1143: Planning, Implementation, Compliance
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New Course from Island Consulting & Training
STC Cert. Number: 05910434
4 hours
Course Summary:
During this highly interactive course, participants explore the new legislative requirements linked to SB1143, why minors are on disciplinary room restriction, what steps can be taken to reduce room time, what stress points in staff and minors can be decreased, what tools are available and more. The basics of neurobiological responses to stress and fear, the somatic window of tolerance and Maslovian Needs will be explored. Specific communication tools related to Non-Violent Communication will be practiced. Participants will examine an evidence based program that reduced violence in the institutions setting by as much as 80% and dramatically increased pro-social behavior. Participants will engage in interaction that will stimulate ideas for implementation and leave with specific tools and a written plan of action.
Performance Objectives
a) identify reasons minors are placed on disciplinary room restriction;
b) present four ideas to discover what major stress points result in “acting out” behavior with minors;
c) what programs are already in place that can assist with behavior modification to positively motivate and reward minors in custody;
d) articulate what resources are in place that could be utilized to improve staff performance in this area;
e) list five steps they will take when they return to their department;
f) demonstrate the four steps of Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
“Outstanding Course! I get it now. On board.” -Juvenile Corrections Officer