Exceptional Training for Law Enforcement,

Education & Social Services Professionals

    Island Consulting & Training has been a leader in diversity training, ethical decision making, leadership and communication training since our founding.


    Jamie Wolf

    Jamie Wolf, MPPA
    CEO and Founder of ICT


    “The answers to the real problems we face in restorative justice, public safety, education and social services are never found in training manuals. Therefore, it is always a mistake to think we can teach people what to think. The goal, instead, should be to provide them with the tools they need to think through a problem, develop an ethical solution, and act in the face of profound stress. This is what ICT does. This is who we are.” – Jamie Wolf, MPPA


    What People are Saying about ICT:

    It must be immensely gratifying to facilitate the degree of growth and interpersonal insight in people I observed in the three days you spent with us.


    “I have worked for the probation department for 21 years. Jamie is, hands down, the best instructor I have had. Not only is Jamie entertaining, you are able to walk away with the information and apply it.” – Division Chief

    Current Issues Facing Law Enforcement, Education and Social Services: The stressors in our current political and social environments require a new and very specific set of skills. Our Ethics & Risk Management and Implicit/Explicit Bias courses provide the latest research in neurobiological stress responses and most importantly, teaches participants ways to manage those responses in situations that present extreme risk such as circumstances that require use of force, involve a conflict of interest or vicarious liability.

    Jamie, I really appreciate your spirit and personality. I always walk away from your classes a richer person.


    Media Inquiries

    “Jamie was selected as our keynote speaker at our annual education conference that focuses on foster, homeless, migrant, and parenting students. In addition to their keynote, Jamie presented several workshops at the conference. The message they delivered to an audience of about 250 people infused us with hope and renewed motivation to care for our students and ourselves. Participants expressed appreciation for the “Pit, Pivot, Dip” framework. We had an overwhelming number of requests to bring Jamie back as soon as possible for a longer workshop. We are eager to work with Jamie again, as are a number of other school districts that attended the conference.”  – Ventura County School Administrator

    ICT’s Mission

    Serve public safety organizations that are committed to building competencies and a plan for ongoing success in public servants, sworn and non-sworn

    Specialize in the creation and delivery of dynamic, learner-centered training curricula

    Provide proven, expert, and credible training that is specifically designed to develop positive leadership and management skills in probation, education, police, sheriff, social services and prison personnel

    Analyze current trends and best practices that stem from direct experience in the field to bring the most up-to-date, advanced training available

    ICT’s courses comply with the training regulations put forth by the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, the Corrections Standards Authority, and Standards & Training for Corrections.
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