Emotional Intelligence – The Five Keys to Success: STC #03081820

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    Thank you for your teaching today. It was a refreshing day for me … day well spent.

    This was such a great class. I learned so many things and can’t wait to use the materials in my professional and personal life.

    Course Summary:
    During this highly interactive course, participants will discover the five components of emotional intelligence according to the work of Daniel Goleman. They will also explore the Five Keys to Successful Conversations that meet the five criteria of emotional intelligence and create a plan to grow their own skills around EI.

    Instructor Specialty:
    Jamie has received over 2,000 hours of specialized training around emotional intelligence and the issues that surround this key teaching topic. He has mastered the neurobiological responses that occur based on emotional intelligence and has facilitated over 300 courses that included this topic. This new course was developed to allow ample time for participants to explore their personal EI. Jamie’s experience teaching for law enforcement has afforded him a special lens through which law enforcement utilizes beliefs and EI when making decisions. Jamie ties self-awareness as key to understanding reactions, reactivity and how to self-regulate when adrenaline is on board and emotions are high.

    Upon completion, participants will be able to:

    • List the five components of emotional intelligence
    • List the five keys to successful conversations
    • Define empathy
    • Define the acronym H.A.L.T.
    • Define two of their personal patterns in conversation
    • List four components of Step 5: Delivery

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