Neurodiverse Clients: Best Practices and Collaborative Tools for Law Enforcement

    STC # 04006877

    Course Summary: This interactive course introduces neurodiversity, covering respectful terminology, key characteristics, and the strengths and challenges of neurodivergent conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia. Participants will gain insights into communication strategies; how neurodivergent individuals may respond to stress and the difference between acting out and frustration-related responses. A systemic, evidence-based approach is emphasized for supporting neurodiverse clients, including practical strategies for connecting them with mental health, educational, and job placement resources. This course equips professionals with the knowledge and tools to work compassionately and effectively with neurodiverse clients, enhancing outcomes and fostering supportive, inclusive environments.

    Performance Objectives: At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

      1. Be able to define neurodiversity
      2. Name three conditions that fall under the umbrella term neurodiverse
      3. Define three communication strategies to use with neurodiverse clients
      4. Identify two implicit and two explicit biases that are commonly aimed at neurodiverse people
      5. Identify two local resources that are appropriate for neurodiverse clients


    Andie Carter

    STC Certification Number:


    Course Length: 8 hours

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