Communicating Clear Expectations-The Effective Performance Review: STC #03907-040457

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    Instructor Specialization: Jamie Wolf completed graduate level education that specifically addressed the design, implementation, and effective use of performance evaluations in the field of probation.

    A recent Gallup Pole indicated that the number of employees who are actually engaged in their work is profoundly low. Effective use of a performance review can be an exceptional motivator. Sadly, however, many departments do not utilize this powerful tool to its full potential. This course is specifically designed to build competencies related to the process of writing and delivering performance evaluations, and to address ways to communicate clear expectations and goals to employees.

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    “Every point was spot on and relevant to the current issues in our department. Very engaging class. Amazing.” -Deputy Division Director

    Because the performance review is a process rather than an event, participants will learn to view it as an opportunity to close performance gaps, create win-win agreements, inspire and motivate employees, and document performance. Participants will learn how to set clear goals and expectations and how to outline a corrective action plan. Tools designed for use during a difficult performance review will also be offered.

    Performance reviews can encourage staff to reach their full potential, help to grow future leaders, create a means to retain employees, raise company morale, and weed out unproductive behavior. Practical resources will be provided to the participant during this interactive course to boost the opportunity for the positive, powerful impact that can be attained through the performance review process.

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    At the end of the class, the participant will be able to:

    • List five tools used to manage the performance review process
    • Identify five supervisor duties related to performance reviews
    • List departmental standards for completing performance reviews
    • List resources available to help gather information for the performance review
    • Articulate under what circumstances an employee self-evaluation would be appropriate
    • List training resources available for specific performance problems
    • Identify seven critical tasks involved in a performance review
    • Identify what the S.M.A.R.T. approach represents
    • List five steps to assist with a difficult performance review and explain how to establish a corrective action plan


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