Generations in the Workplace: STC #03907-045038
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Instructor Specialization: Jamie Wolf received a master’s level education in this subject area.
The ability to competently communicate and work with the diverse generations in your workplace is key to the success of your organization. The values of these groups differ greatly and can cause significant problems in a work setting if each group does not understand the other. This course introduces the participant to four generational groups and their respective sets of values.
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This course differs from other classes of this type in that it delves deeper into the issues by exploring the Decade Model, the stages of value development, recruitment and retention issues related to generational diversity, and the requirements necessary for each generational group to reach their full potential in the workplace. Leadership skills, training, performance reviews, and mentoring are key elements necessary to understand this topic and will be explored thoroughly throughout the course of this class. This highly interactive course uses each participant’s process of self-discovery to develop an enhanced understanding of how to optimize working with divergent generations.
At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
a) Identify how the concept of 360 degree leadership applies to this topic;
b) List the three stages of value development;
c) List the eight areas of influence according to Massey, Ph.D.;
d) Name the four generational groups currently in the workplace;
e) List four key events that shaped the value sets of each generation;
f) Define the decade model and explain how it relates to the student and the organization;
g) List two effects the failure to understand generational diversity can have on the department’s ability to recruit and retain the best workforce.
Island Consulting & Training
Global Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Diversity, inclusion, and culturally competent service are defining characteristics of our business practices and our training program. We are proud to offer training which fosters a culture of inclusion and cultural competency within law enforcement.
Experienced. Supportive. Real.
Our success supports our 30-year, active commitment to advancing diversity as a proven catalyst of growth and progress – for everyone.
At Island Consulting and Training (ICT), we work to create and support equitable and inclusive cultures where we all have the opportunity to reach our fullest potential. We know that excellence and the best ideas come from the thoughts and experiences of diverse groups of people; working together.
A culture of inclusion celebrates diversity and equality.
Inclusion means we are all comfortable to contribute, discover and be our authentic selves at work, at play, everywhere, anywhere, 24/7.
The breadth of background, direct experience, education, training, and mission of ICT supports our commitment to celebrating diversity. We know that inclusion is as a proven catalyst of personal, professional and economic growth and success.
At ICT, we bring the unique strength of living, working and playing in global settings with individuals and groups from many different stations of life, ethnicities, abilities, classes, ages, backgrounds, languages, cultures, genders, families, sexual orientations, philosophical beliefs and identities. Our understanding of intersectionality informs us that we all walk in many of these worlds. We cannot live, much less thrive separately from one another. We are complex beings as individuals and that complexity is interwoven within the worlds we choose to walk in.
And, if you are reading this, that means you.
Please visit our Diversity Section to learn more about specific training opportunities.