Training for Trainers: STC #03907-036392

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    High Demand Course: This highly experiential, fun course consistently receives outstanding reviews. Training for Trainers is geared toward individuals involved in developing curriculum for or presenting CORE or Academy training, FTO programs, in-house instruction, on-the-job training, succession planning, and anyone who holds a position on a leadership team and is appropriate for any experience level in the classroom.

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    During this highly interactive and exciting course, participants will learn how to effectively deliver meaningful, relevant training. Learning styles, tricks of the trade, and other classroom topics will be discussed. Examples of effective classroom styles will be demonstrated and practiced by participants. Other topics included in this course are:

    • Creating the conditions for student participation
    • Removing blocks that hinder participation
    • Techniques to achieve high participation
    • Listen-Empathize-Clarify-Seek Permission-Resolve Technique
    • Staying on point
    • Setting the tone
    • Best and worst facilitator practices
    • The Eight Step Feedback Process
    • Training DOs
    • Training DONTs
    • What works and what doesn’t
    • Individual and group behaviors
    • Behaviors that hinder group effectiveness
    • Top ten difficult types and how to handle them
    • Dealing with difficult behavior in the classroom

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    “After taking this course, I was able to connect with the officers in my class for the first time. The transfer of information was amazing when I used the techniques and skills learned in your class. It is such a great feeling to finally be doing what I love to do and having fun doing it.” – Sr. Deputy

    At the end of the course, the participant will be able to:

    a.) list and describe the four learning styles;
    b.) list 10 tools of the effective instructor;
    c.) list 4 performance objectives of the course they plan to teach;
    d.) create a sample course outline of the course they wish to deliver;
    e.) list four delivery methods (overhead, powerpoint, lecture, notes, skit, etc.)

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    Instructor Specialty: Jamie Wolf’s experience in the classroom is vast and varied.  It includes both one-on-one mentoring and larger training sessions with as many as 100 law enforcement personnel in attendance.  Jamie is exceptional at handling challenging students and difficult situations in a classroom setting, and they are highly adept at creating a safe and engaging learning environment for all styles of learners.

    Jamie Wolf has developed curriculum for over 100 STC courses and has trained hundreds of in-house instructors in the law enforcement field.  They held the position of STC Training Manager for a department of 600 and was also President of SCTA, a role that gave Jamie the platform to mobilize training managers for the purpose of developing much-needed training programs in response to the interruption of STC funding streams. Jamie received special recognition for the excellence they exhibited during their tenure in these leadership positions.

    Jamie is constantly seeking avenues to advance their own learning in order to provide their students with the most up-to-date, cutting edge training programs available.  Since 2014, Wolf has completed over 400 hours of training specific to communication with over 120 of those hours being completed as recently as March of 2015.  Jamie is committed to providing the most current evidence-based material to their students, and their dedication and passion for the subject matter is further evidenced by the consistent praise they receive from their students who routinely applaud them for their charismatic, humorous, learner-centric approach.

    This course has been especially pinpointed as a vehicle for the incredible successes of Jamie’s alumni due to the fact that these courses not only made their trainees better instructors, but better overall presenters such that they could flourish when tasked to present information to large groups and a diverse staff in everyday meetings.

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